商品系列: Mr.
Born in 1969 in Cupa, Japan
Lives and works in Saitama, Japan
Mr.’s neo-pop aesthetics spans painting, sculpture, installation, and video. Associated with the superflat movement, he uses manga and anime to portray his personal fantasies. While he consistently draws his themes and motifs from the otaku subculture or fandom, he is more specifically a self-described otaku artist. His cartoonish visions are essentially inhabited by young characters, who are meant to evoke feelings of moe (a Japanese notion relating to the adoration of fictional figures). In typical kawaii style, he sometimes depicts childlike features (round faces, wide eyes, colorful hair) with innocent undertones. Contrasting with the bright cheerfulness of his all-powerful characters, a wider reflection on solitude, social anxiety, and fear underlies his work. Specifically, the chaotic environments within which Mr. stages some of his exhibitions echo both Japan’s traumatic loss during World War II and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Mr.以村上隆弟子的身分,與村上並肩同行了15年以上。他的畫風主要是持續專注地將當今日本的住宅區中,隨處可見的可愛少女繪製成動畫風格或電玩角色風格。動畫式的繪畫,也是可以用繪畫或是塗鴉的方式畫在畫布 或紙上的……Mr.的存在本身成了一種免死金牌,在日本的Pixiv等網路社群中,追隨Mr.的創作者正急遽增加中。最近日本出現的「CHAOS LOUNGE」的展示方法,即是受到Mr. 所開發出來的形式「在自己的骯髒房間裡遍地都是作品」的強烈影響。曾是存在於的小眾裡的他,現在已經要跳出來成為主流了。